
An Opinion cannot be proven true or false

Friday, November 15, 2013

Facebook Posts Make this Mother Feel Loved!

There's this thing going on..... On Facebook. And if you like the persons status....(LMS) you too are then given a number....

I spotted it first on my daughters....& liked it, then was given a number, as was my Son Dexter. In turn, Shannon liked mine. 

This little game....

Made this Mother feel like maybe I've done a good job. It's things like this, that make me think and feel worth while. 

Sometimes.... You just need reassured sometimes! 

Here are the posts for your viewing pleasure:

This is my daughter Drema, last born. She is the one whom started it....lol 
Here is my post!
Then here is Dexters, which brought tears to my eyes....
And then Shannon's, my Daghter in law. She is a true lover. You can tell she is very family oriented, and impressed me!

I love being a Mother, and again... I'll quote my Son Dexter. I'm married to being a Mom! I love my Family, and I love my life! God is good, and I'm grateful for ALL that I have and am! 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Just my 2 cents ~ all my Terrorist is Worth!

Why on Earth would I consider threatening or even wanting my Stalker aka Terrorist dead? Who in their right mind comes up with this shit?! 

Oh wait..... The same person who has ultimately publicized my private life from my social security number, phone number, both of my addresses 
& more.....

I am NOT mentally incompetent & I know what I'm doing, I do not pretend to have multiple aliases like my terrorist: I do not bounce from one twitter account to the next, pretending I am my other personality, coming out to play: RollWithMyLife aka TheRealNikolP aka IndieFilm22 aka CaliGirl...something or other....who can honestly keep up.....


And another name WOWZA

Ah here it is the Cali Girl name....."I do not live in California...." (Her words!!!) And notice....she's IN & ON my premises!!!!
Oh & here is the real proof we have a delusional person whom makes up stories for attention:

I've never lost custody of my five children, never ever molested any of them, that would be my terrorist & her families, my families ALL sides, ALL lines NEVER have ANYTHING like that. Call DCF, child service, anything you want. This is a sick, vindictive woman, lashing out because I will no longer give her any money. My story has NEVER changed. I lent & lent her money. She then wrote a book, I edited it. She stole it from Harlequin Romance, they can vouch for this. As can this:

But you see.....no one cares to listen or speak up n my behalf.... Wanna know what else....there are a STILL more screen names for her.... Not kidding....
This is her pretending to be my son...
These are ALL her! <Above!> 

Gotta love the power trip here....if you've ever read my other blog: www.DenealesEvidence.BlogSpot.com you will remember me saying..... She thinks she's some sort of a God.....
This was a fundraiser for an ailment. HER BOYFRIEND told the detective, this one was for her breast implants that she proclaimed as a mastectomy.  Look how BIG she is! And she makes fun of my weight? Or was this when she had them pay for her liposuction? Either way....it was WRONG! What a sicko!!! 
I'm jealous of you? Someone who hasta doctor photos, create scars with sharpies, your family puts trespasses on you, and you hafta create diseases and scam people out of money; you're only friends are Radio Joe, Holly & there shadow from Ohio who goes to School & can't figure out which side of the fence she wants to play on. Those friends are just as evil as you are, no wonder you're all friends! Evil sticks together! Sickening!
You hafta use a fake program in order to "Create" a crime that I've done! (Fake is the key word there tho!!!) You call the Police when I post & defend myself, against YOUR lies! How is THAT right? An injunction IS a two way street, perhaps YOU need to learn to read! 
Who says the "C" word? You that's who! Not me! I don't say or use the "N" word either. That's both you & yourlovers. No one; I repeat: no one in MY family uses it! It's against the rules!

For Gods sake! Stop lying! 

You're really a sad person..... I'm sorry I said no.... But damn....

Stop leaving messages on my house & car too, thank you! I know I'm fat! How does it hurt you, anyway?!