
An Opinion cannot be proven true or false

Friday, January 2, 2015

Oh No You Didn't!

Oh No You Didn't! 

If there's one thing I have learned through the years watching and listening, and even being bullied myself:

It's that those whom are doing the attacking are jealous of you. It's not that they hate you, and it's not that they want to be you. It's just that you have something they lack. Whether it be stamina, looks, friends, money, fame and fortune, or who knows what. Whatever it is- big or small- something about you-has their attention. 

What can you do about it? Nothing. Just continue being you. There is no reason to change. I mean: unless you honestly want to for whatever reason. But don't force those bullies and haters to make you change your ways, and your life just to appease them and their needs. 

All a bully is, is a simple wannabe. They wannabe rich, they wannabe famous, they wannabe good looking, they wannabe noticed. And the only way they can get noticed is by riding your coat tails, making a mockery of you. Insulting your looks, your weight, your home, your job, you name it. 

It's time to put your hand in the air and say this with me: "Oh no you didn't!" Because we're no longer gonna listen to the weak, because that is what they are. Anyone who mocks us, is weak. I don't care if you're mocking my weight, you aren't perfect everywhere trust me, open your closet door all the way, I dare you! You don't know me, just because you can see my physical imperfections, doesn't mean I'm worthless! I'm far from unworthy, God loves me, and my family and friends love me. I was put here on the Earth for a reason, and it was not to be intimidated by a lousy bully that thinks they can mock me. 

It's time for everyone to put their hand in the air, and stop all the bullying and say: "Oh no you didn't!" 

Our lives matter, just because you see "us" differently, doesn't mean we're going to put up with anymore, or you. It's time we put a stop to your hatred and bullying.

"Oh no you didn't!" 

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